Online Training Course
With an ambitious vision, the project has created a training course that is Free, Online and Accessible. It is now available to all those interested in digital entrepreneurship.
The contents of the course, structured in 7 training pills, includes contents that cover from the creation of a Business Plan to the most necessary notions in terms of communication and digital marketing, sales or Customer Experience. All this, with the necessary support and reinforcements so that any person experiencing the “digital leap” can be progressively introduced to the most current resources and tools.
Project Background & Objectives
From zero to HERO is a project co-funded by the European Commission inside the Erasmus+ Programme. The project was born from a partnership of three partner organizations from Italy, Slovenia and Spain (Coordinator).
The partnership wants to reduce the digital gap with the explicit intention of breaking the wall to digital entrepreneurship. Today the digital market offers a very wide amount of possibilities for everybody. What not many years ago was expensive and extremely technical to develop (websites, online stores, onlines services, etc.), today is very cheap and counts with many open-source tools to help achieving it. The project From zero to HERO aims at putting those resources in the hands of those who most need them and also can benefit more from them.

Context Research
(v 1.0)
We’ve put together a research to cover some strategic information on the use of Internet and how it relates to the Digital Gap, Digital Entrepreneurship, employment and disadvantaged groups of people. It greatly helped us to create the most suitable training content for you.
Boost your personal skills
A successful digital enterprise starts from a successful YOU.
Manage your time ands tasks
Things can get a little messy for a digital entrepreneur. Take an advantage of the tools that can give you a hand.
Lead the best strategy for you project
Plan the play & play the plan!… That’s the way to go.
Have control over Digital Marketing & Communication tools
We know you have a lot to tell. Let’s make sure people hear you!
We are very fortunate to work with these amazing partners 👏